About the company

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MALLTECH company appeared on the Russian commercial real estate market in 2004. Over 20 years it carried out a number of large-scale construction and development projects in commercial real estate with a total area over 1M m².

Enjoying its sterling reputation, the company managed to bolster its financial stability by entering into a number of important investment agreements.


Over the years of successful operation of its own commercial property, MALLTECH has come to realize that customers must also take part in the management of shopping centres. To ensure maximum comfort for the visitors, the company was one of the first in Russia to move away from the traditional real estate development model and adopt the B2B2C model, under which managing company, tenants and buyers all make strategic decisions together.

MALLTECH gains insight into customer behaviour from surveys and studies carried out on a regular basis. Besides, each MALLTECH employee, regardless of his or her position, must communicate with shopping centre visitors directly. The gathered data are carefully analysed and later used to identify the development trajectory for a given venue. The accumulated experience gave rise to a new strategy.



Since 2005, the company has been building and leasing class-A commercial and industrial property. At the moment, MALLTECH owns a number of commercial real estate venues and six super-regional shopping centres in Novosibirsk, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Saint Petersburg and Perm.

Shopping centre management

The management of MALLTECH’s own venues draws heavily on deep technical expertise of its team. Being committed to the success of a shopping centre as a product, the company introduces a wide array of modern analytic solutions, ensures transparent relations with tenants and encourages the visitors to go shopping as often as possible.


The company itself finds tenants and makes contracts. Long and well-established relations with large international and Russian retail chains combined with high standards of shopping centre operation ensure 100% occupancy of retail space. Every venue controlled by MALLTECH features leading global brands operating on the Russian market.


In the near future the company plans to carry out the following large-scale projects:

  • Innovation of existing objects
  • Development of 4th line of the «Planeta» mall in Krasnoyarsk